A couple weeks ago I wrote a review about whether Titans was improving or declining. The writers and the editors seems to not be on the same page because of the simple fact that Titans Season 2 Final seemed to flop because of them trying to tie up all these storylines. The show this season had way to many stories to keep up with. The Jericho story, Starfire and her family problems, and Robin being in a jail and there was Beast Boy trying to handle Superboy on his own.
The only highlight of Season 2 was definitely Robin becoming Nightwing. Audiences finally got to see a real life version of Nightwing costume. It had never been done before. People are still complaining over the actor playing Batman/Bruce Wayne.
The way that Donna Troy died seemed so unrealistic but I guess audiences have to suspend their belief. It made no sense as to why Superboy could not save Donna Troy from being electrocuted. Superboy is supposed to be indestructible so he could have survived the shock. In that scene, Superboy was nowhere to be found.
A lot of people are saying why did Nightwing show up to the carnival scene late when it seemed he would have gone with Raven, Starfire, Donna and Dawn. I do agree with those people because Nightwing showed up late which is a problem with the storytelling and the editing.
Another scene that have brought questions and criticisms is the fight scene with Dick and Deathstroke. A lot of people found that scene to be anti-climatic due to the way Deathstroke died in the hands of his daughter. It was nice seeing Rose being on the Titans side but it was weird how she showed up with no prior knowledge. It would have been great to see how she got to that location and also it would have been great to know how Dick knew where Deathstroke was going to be.
Another question that I have is that Dick Grayson escaped from prison and no cops are wondering where he went or even will Dick have to go back to prison. Is the criminal system that lenient when it comes to escaped prisoners.
The final was rushed and had way too many storylines that they did not connect into one big story instead all these small plots were separate from each other. I wished throughout the season the writers and editors decided on storylines that made one huge storyline to conclude at the end of Season 2.
I just wish that Season 3 will be much better than Season 2 and Season 1 with more connected storylines that can end seasons much better.