Hollywood a show that was aired on Netflix. The dramatic show is filled with angst and holds some harsh truths about the entertainment world regarding differences in the "norm" of society from race to sexual orientation. Hollywood was written and created by Ryan Murphy who found success from American Horror Story and Glee but Hollywood is different from those shows. It takes an interesting take on racial injustices and leading roles that happens in Hollywood which is not that different to now. Hollywood is set in the past but even though the entertainment world has made progress it is still hard to move past the stereotypical roles that black women and men face as well as Asian people face everyday.
The show has 7 episodes that chronicles the process of making it in Hollywood from the beginning state of trying to obtaining roles to winning oscars. The plot is this: actors, writers and filmmakers try to make it in Hollywood after World War II. Each character has flaws but makes people feel for them through actions, dialogues and even one can't help but feel bad for even the villain characters such as the sleazy manager, Henry Willson, that managed Rock Hudson.
Here's the breakdown among the characters:

Jack Castello is a character that is trying to provide for his family after serving in World War II. He ends up moving to Hollywood to become an actor which he ultimately believes that he will succeed but he does not have a job to provide for his growing family. Audiences ultimately feels bad for Jack because growing up his family thought only his good looks would get him far in life but even Jack lacks talent and it takes time to ultimately showcase what a great actor he is. In the end, Jack gets nominated for an Oscar but loses the award but his career starts beaming and he's recruited to play a role of a man that falls in love with another man.

Raymond Ainsley is a half-Filipino
film director who wants to showcase a different norm than what Hollywood is used. He rejects the idea of being Asian since he does pass as a white person and chooses not to reveal his race but ultimately he does through his conversations with the upcoming writer, Archie. He also reveals his race to prove a point that he wants and needs minorities to be seen and heard. He also urges the Ace Studios to change their ideas of a white leading lady. He changes the atmosphere and the behind the scenes by urging and encouraging different races to be a part of the entertainment world. He is also dating a black woman, Camille Washington, who wants to become an actress.

Camille Washington is an up-and-coming black actress who has been in roles that is not leading but rather the comedic relief and also the help of white powerful rich ladies. Time after time, Camille is subjected to acts of racism from her a cross being burned in front of her house and being spat at multiple times. Camille finally gets the break with the help of her director boyfriend. Camille becomes a symbol of hope and grace when she targeted but in the end she ends up with the leading role of Meg and wins the Oscar. Camille is an aspiring character that shows grace and dignity throughout the series.

Richard "Dick" Samuels is a studio executive at Ace Studios who is hiding his sexual orientation due to his fear of being rejected in the industry. He regrets his decisions on not standing up and urging the studio to cast the best actress on her talent and not base on race. He did that to an Asian actress. In the end, Dick changed his tune and encouraged the studio to follow what Raymond encouraged. He also embraced who he was by revealing he was gay and was in love with a man. It was a powerful moment for Dick Samuels.

Ernest "Ernie" West is a pimp that runs a gas station that is ultimately a prostitute ring that helped many actors be able to pay for things. He recruits Jack to help please woman but Ernie also wants Jack to please men to but Jack ultimately refuses. Ernie had a dream of becoming an actor but that fell to the ground. He got his chance when he was casted in a role in the film Meg that Raymond directed.

Roy Fitzgerald/Rock Hudson is a new actor who has no experiences in the world of Hollywood. He meets Archie through Ernie and they become love interests. He also managed to get a talent agent, Henry Willson who manipulates him into doing sexual favors so he does not mess out on roles or lose his agent. Henry urges Roy to change his name to Rock Hudson. Roy ultimately does not care about being an actor anymore because he is in love with Archie. Archie and him step out on the carpet of the Oscars holding hands which shocked the world.

Archie Coleman is a black screenwriter who wants nothing more than to be embraced into the world of the film industry but his race constitutes studios not taking him serious. He doesn't even reveal his race until it's much needed. He becomes close to Raymond after they talked about how cruel the world could be with people of different races than the normal. He also engaged in a relationship with Roy Fitzgerald/Rock Hudson. He wrote the film Meg which was originally called Peg. Archie wins an Oscar that night when he was nominated for the script of Meg.

Henry Willson is a Hollywood talent agent whose client was Rock Hudson. He takes advantage of his clients sexually and even has resources to the mob. He is angry with his life but after Oscars are over. He apologizes to Rock Hudson urging him to forgive him. Henry even said that he fell in love with a man, goes to therapy and is sober.

Avis Amberg is the wife of Ace Amberg who was an actress. Ace Amberg owns the studio Ace Studios in which Raymond works under. Avis took control over the studio and urged to place Camilla as the lead in the film Meg. Avis is the one who greenlight projects. Despite the backlash over Archie and Roy walking the red carpet at the Oscars, she choose to keep Archie was writer and paid him even more. Avis found her footing and power through being in charge of ACE studios.
Hollywood explores themes of race, sexuality, sex, manipulation of power and courage. These themes are reflected in the real world of the Hollywood industry. It is a conversation starter about how all it takes is one person to shift the narrative and change norm. Not only does the show Hollywood explores the ups but also the negatives about how it is not easy to obtain work. I would say that the show Hollywood was a good show to watch if you want to explore these themes and audiences can relate it back to real life. The actors were exceptionally well casted and audiences could feel the emotions coming from them.