Amazon has released a superhero series called "The Boys." The show has been announced to have a second season. The series is centered around the world of Superheroes where the heroes are celebs.These heroes are not the stereotypical Dc or Marvel heroes audiences think of. They are evil and corrupt.
The show "The Boys" is it worth watching and does the show deserve a second season? "The Boys" take on an interesting version of reality of what would happen if superheroes were corrupt and selfish. The take on this idea is refreshing and unique to something that audiences have not seen. Now with superheroes popularity at an all time high with DC and Marvel movies coming out every year, audiences were able to latch onto the Boys series. With a star studded cast and producer Chace Crawford from Gossip Girl and the son of Dennis Quaid, Jack Quaid and the producer Seth Rogen, audiences could not wait to see an Amazon original with these names tied to it. The show lacks in comedy but prospers in drama.
"The Boys" has earned the right to have a second season. The alternative reality of superheroes is a refreshing idea that has not been done before. The show needs a chance to develop characters more such as more background stories about each and every character. The second season will tell the audience Homelander's backstory on his childhood. Background stories about childhood will definitely show audiences why each character is the way they are. Despite the acting could have been better, the show was easy to binge the first season. Now there's always room for improvement for shows and movies. The show had some edgy moments like when The Deep (Chace Crawford) blackmailed Starfire for sexual acts. The over the top moments acting makes the show less about drama but rather holds comedic moments. That can be seen when Huey girlfriend gets killed by A-Train (Jessie Usher), the death was so over the top that one could not help but laugh at that scene.
The characters are parodies of the superheroes that audiences have grown up with or loved.
The Deep- Aquaman
A-Train- The Flash
Homelander- Superman
Queen Maeve- Wonder Woman
The finale episode of "The Boys" was set up for the perfect cliffhanger and I for one can't wait to see what is going to happen in Season two of "The Boys." If you want to see a show that makes fun of superheroes with over the top acting the "The Boys" is the right show for you to watch. If you want to see a show that envisions a world of superheroes that are bad for society then "the Boys" on Amazon is the perfect show for you to watch.
Stay tuned next week for my review on the Charlie's Angels.