The movies industry has now been inundated with reboots and reimaginations of classic movies that people have grown up to love. "Charlie's Angels" have now been rebooted and turned into a new inventive version with an all-star cast starring Kristen Stewart, Naomi Scott and one Elizabeth Banks. Now looking at an critic review of "Charlie's Angels" seems a bit harsh giving it a 4 out of 10 star rating on the opening weekend. According to many reviews, Charlie's Angels missed the plot entirely and flopped during its opening weekend.
The movies held the original traits proving that women can be just as badass and with new spins including more diversity and inclusion in sexuality. It was a 2019 spin that people didn't know they wanted but ended up obtaining it. The movie contained well developed characters, and role reversal. The characters were not all white but some minorities included which shows the aspect of diverse and portrayal of minorities in the industry.
The portrayal of the character Sabina was comedic. Kristen Stewart exceeded expectations in this role by being the funny situational character. Most people know Kristen Stewart from Twilight which gave her outbreak role but soon enough Kristen Stewart will be known for this role of Sabina because it's refreshing and the character was developed quite well. Audiences got a chance to learn about the characters.
Now the character Jane who is portrayed is by a less popular actress in America, Ella Balinska. She shone in this film and it was nice to see someone be able to be on the same spar as Kristen Stewart and Naomi Scott. The character was the opposite of Sabina.
The character Elena Houghton is a character that is a mixture of Sabina and Jane. She contains the comedic chops of Sabina but also the seriousness of Jane. The character showcases that women does not to shy away from sciences or stay quiet when they do not agree with people's ideas.
Each of these women portrays different types of women that is out in the world. "Charlie's Angels" is a movie about the power of woman which both the reboot and original was portrayed. It also shows woman in power through the use of Bosley being women and not just men calling the shots.
The costumes and the plot was executed well but with all these celebs making appearances. The celebrities appearances were a lot and I thought the film didn't necessarily need to fill the movie ending with all these celebrities. The only negative thing about the "Charlie's Angels" is the point of Noah Centineo character, Langston.The camera did not include Langston as much even if he was an assistant for Elena's character. Langston only showed up in two scenes in the whole movie.
That's it for my "Charlie's Angels" Movie Review.
Check next week in which I talk about Titans.